Adding a Source Filter when Sending Multiple Items for Translation
less than a minute
The Add an Account dialog box opens when you click the Add button in the Created by filter section or the Updated by filter section in the Specify Source Filters page of the Bulk Translation wizard.
You use the Add an Account dialog box to create a filter for sending bulk content for translation based on roles or individual users who created or updated the content items.
By default, this window displays all roles. By default, the items in the list are displayed in alphabetical order.
- To display users instead of roles, click Users in the Account Type box at the topic of the window.
Roles are displayed in alphabetical order.
If users are displayed, they are displayed in alphabetical order.
You select the roles for the filter. For example, if you are creating a filter to include only content created by users assigned to certain roles, you select these roles.
Tips: Use the Shift key to select a range of adjacent roles or users. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple non-adjacent roles or users.
For information about navigating the pages in the list, see Navigating Pages in a List.
When you are done, click OK.