Previewing Job Details

The Job preview pop-up window displays information about a job in any state.

This dialog box opens when you click the icon in the first column in the Jobs page or pop-up window.

Note: All fields are read only.

The Job preview pop-up window displays the following information about a job in any state.

Field Description
Number The job number, which is a unique identifier for your job, starting with JOB, and following by a seven-digit number. It is assigned by the Connector when you create a job.
Name The name of the job.
Connector The name of the Connector configuration to the Clay Tablet. For more information, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for ServiceNow Installation and Configuration Guide.
Provider The translation provider for this job.
Watch list The list of users who receive notifications about the state of this job.
State The current translation state of the job. For a list and description of translation states, see Translation States.
Due date The requested translation deadline, when the job creator expects the translated content to return, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
PO reference The purchase order number referenced for payment of this job.
Should quote If this check box is selected, then the translation provider was instructed to send a quote before starting the translation process.
Auto publish translations If this check box is selected, then when this job is complete, the Connector automatically publishes the translated content.
Description The description of the job.
Metadata Additional information sent to the translation provider.