
Problem Explanation/Solution
Translation projects are stuck at 0% after sending them for translation. Ensure that the scheduled job has been activated. For detailed instructions, see Activating the Scheduled Job and Setting the Run Interval.
The Connector does not send out custom properties for translation. The Connector supports sending for translation only custom properties that inherit from the ProperyLongString and PropertyString classes.
Language Mapping When adding languages, if you are not using the Lionbridge 4 digit codes, see Appendix: Language Codes then you should use the language mapping feature to map your language code to the Lionbridge code, see Configuring Language Mapping and Asset Packaging. If the there is no language mapping for the 2 digit codes then jobs cannot be accepted back.
Lionbridge Freeway analysis codes are specified, but they are not displayed or available for selection when sending out projects for translation. The URLs where Lionbridge Freeway provides the authentication service and the analysis code service are not correctly configured. If you have a firewall, you must configure your ports so that the Connector can communicate with these services. If you have a firewall, you must configure your ports so that the Connector can communicate with these URLs. For detailed instructions, see Configuring Network Settings for a Firewall.