Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Cloud Release Notes

Version 5.1.2
Maven repo for AEM Cloud connector 5.1.2






























What’s New?
Feature ID Description
1358704 Add Logic for Groups on Team Profile
1362075 Show sling jobs info in tools UI
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1370894 Inconsistent behavior with the Queue Scheduler
1371053 Duplicate emails showing in the Translation Queue
1358920 SerializeUtil has bug using gson to do serialization and deserialization
1356653 Locked pages in AEM and applying translations.
1362875 Local TM job takes excessively long to start
Maven repo for AEM Cloud connector 5.1.1






























What’s New?
Feature ID Description
1335495 URL Rewrite for Non-existing/Moved Pages
1337256 API Cache Login Token
1345176 Improve the visibility of a Cancelled job in the Translation Status
1345181 Local TM Utility - 2nd displayed column should be job name
1350156 Option to show if page is in translation
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1349775 Language Mapping - Connector Language box should not have blank values
1346707 Exception occurs when selected due date when sending job from Bulk Translation and Touch UI
1340959 Touch UI, default values of Translation Options disappear
Maven repo for AEM Cloud connector 5.1.0






























What’s New?
Feature ID Description
1314563 Connector is not using the Using AEM TIF Translation Rules
1306507 Exclude content fragment section to be added to Advanced Settings
1276049 Add new configurations on Connector Settings - Previously only available using CRXDE
1291592 Upgrade org.apache.commons
1288785 Improve the functionality of FW Analysis codes
1224958 Port On-Premise HFs to Cloud
1263712 Translation Status does not show redelivery in overview
1260152 Fix languages order in Language Mapping section
1288342 Local Users/groups permissions not working when signing in through Adobe
1283374 Hide CAPI client_id and client_secret on connector logs
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1326601 Site text translations -> Load existing translations to LocalTM First - Not working as expected
1326593 Component Mapping configuration import issue
1293682 Reset rejectNote after successful redelivery
1283367 FW Prod accounts are not adding analysis codes in the Translation Queue UI and Globalization translation UI
1326599 Globalization Tool: pages are not listed as links, users are not able to open directly from the tool
1326598 Globalization Tool: Unlock Page Report throwing an error message
1326600 Touch UI: Incorrect translation job deadline
1276569 Touch UI does not use team profile languages
1283369 FW Prod accounts are not pulling analysis codes in Queue metadata
What’s New?
  • Option in CT config UI to write to AEM error log.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1284723Fix Completed Notifications Emails Delay
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1253971Max #pages per file not working as expected.
1258155Completed notifications not working the same as in AEM On-Prem
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1251360FW Prod accounts are not pulling analysis codes in Queue metadata.
Allowing Search Agents sorting.
1249393Errors in logs with references to customers others than the current one.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1245096Removed user information from the job metadata when the option to send so has been disabled through configuration.
1238654Adobe has added a flag to specify properties/components that are translatable within a content fragment, the connector should be able to use that flag to translate or skip at a properties/components level.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1240526Created/Translated target XFs don't show up in AEM Fragment Experiences UI.