Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes

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Version 5.1.19
What’s New?
User Story ID Description
1468882 The ability to send nested content fragments
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1490476 Duplicate jobs created by the connector within .2 seconds of each other
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1478762 Use LocalTM is not working for Content Fragments
1427972 Word Count does not display the actual word count of all the pages in the Translation Queue
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1428011 Update remote TM in Touch UI
1461571 Update remote TM is not saving the update to the database
1408103 Exported report contains (older) AssetTaskId instead of requestId (Liox AssetID)
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1419409 Database connections timing out
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1404085 Connector constantly logging messages for deleted jobs
1411702 Invalid xml character is not removed and job does not process
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
1393058 Changes to domain checking, to prevent connection timeouts
1390477 OKHttpClient errorRetry added, made connection pool size and KeepLiveDuration configurable
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1388338 Globalization Tool: T. Status column is only displaying the part of the Translation Status code from the provider. Anything after ‘-|-‘ is not being displayed any longer
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1371722 [AEM on Prem] LLC staging credentials are failing on test
1382494 [AEM on Prem] Update okHTTP3 to the latest release version
Version 5.1.12
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
1345179 Local TM Utility - 2nd displayed column should be job name
1345173 Improve the visibility of a Cancelled job in the Translation Status
1348252 Send notificationEmails on API Extended Metadata
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1351801 Locked pages in AEM and applying translations.
1366513 Connector should not allow a Job Name to exceed the CAPI limit
1349980 capiLspRefId field on the database needs to be increased from 50 to 250
1360461 URL coversion exception may block collecting field for translation
1358921 Components in Component Mapping change state after upgrade to 5.x
1363370 Duplicate emails showing in the Translation Queue
What’s New?
Feature ID Description
1339989 Add xpp3 osgi bundle dependency for xstream 1.4.20, to support data from old connector version.
1332805 URL Rewrite for Non-existing/Moved Pages
1249872 TIF - Issue on edit the Lionbridge Connector config
1330561 Added support for DITA attributes/properties conditional skip/translate/copy cases.
1337257 API Cache Login Token
1340750 Unable to receive pages from translation post upgrade
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1334880 Re-send feature in Translation Status does not display the languages correctly in the "Re-Select Languages" tab
1333839 PostgreSQL - Intermittently issue saving content to Postgres database
1326865 Error while handling unknown requestId's
1326867 Issue while sending images, word docs and MP4
1328551 Oracle database script error : Failed to EXEC sql:ALTER TABLE prepareditem MODIFY itemNotes
What’s New?
  • XSTream - Memory Leak - Change ClassLoader to avoid MemoryLeak
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1319591Globalization Tool: pages are not listed as links, users are not able to open directly from the tool
1319586Globalization Tool: Bug Get i18n and Children listed as a search agent
1319588Globalization Tool: Unlock Page Report throwing an error message
1307186AEM Prod Author Memory Usage High - Continually trying to upload translation to non-existent content node
1321966Site text translations -> Load existing translations to LocalTM First - Not working as expected
1322598Translated children are not showing in the same order sources were
1324797Component Mapping configuration import issue
1318799Fix for converting URL links when there are multiple languages can be detected for a page/asset path (ported from AEM Cloud)
1320488Globalization Tool: Incorrect translation job deadline
1307188AEM Prod Author Memory Usage High - Handling status update for unexpected request ID
1325394Support XF Structure for AEM 6.5.5+
1318754Remove call to getLiveJobs() CAPI call when there is no CAPI keys defined.
Version 5.1.9
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1313563Component Mapping - Import is not importing configurations in xml file.
1307489Component Mapping - Advanced Translation rules are not being saved, which in turn does not include or exclude the patterns for translation.
1315081URL Conversion - The connector is not converting URLs that start with just 'ref', only 'href' works.
1260164LocalTM Utility - Returned results always show incorrect date and time.
What’s New?
  • Use Local TM option now supports Dita content.
  • Latest PostgreSql Database Engine is now supported.
  • Bulk Translation rules are now also applicabe to translations done through TIF.
  • Dita Bookmaps are now supported
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1291432Fixed GUID of target Dita or DitaMap should NOT be changed when sending same asset for translation multiple times.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1268380Improved functionality for Freeway Analysis codes.
1022036Freeway config - added (optional) Freeway configuration header, and droped help message.
1282655URL conversion inside a content fragment is now supported.
1260171Option added to include page assets, when adding the pages to the job.
1276673Dita Bookmaps support added.
1242776Added additional live copies of blue prints when content is being sent over for the translations.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1251360Analysis codes are listing correctly on the queue metadata list.
1260164LocalTM Utility - returned results always show incorrect date and time.
1260158ContentAPIv2 client_id and secret information shouldn't write to the logs.
1260169Add the ability to have certain components not translatable when doing component mapping.
1260168Touch UI is allowing selecting languages, outside the team profiles configured/allowed. Which then causes errors when sending the jobs.
1206447Missing translation of property meta title & meta description.
1252084Improve cancellation status at the job lists, and show cancelled if all assets are cancelled.
1275488Analysis codes are not displaying on the job details, under the jobs queue.
1266874Globalization Tool - Normalize date stamps.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1250237The functionality of "TargetPagePreservedNodes" and "TargetPageExcludedNodes" was revisioned.
1259910The capiLspRefId field on the database needs to be increased from 50 to 250.
1148690Add an “Un- Highlight Modified” button that would un-highlight/deselect the items that have a newer modification than activation date (it needs a better name).
1078777Add job creator name in 'email notifications'.
1241167Bulk Trans: Add tag for job submitter name in default name.
1241168When exporting settings, allow also exporting the debug settings.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1242850Issue with URL translation not working with live copies.
1238654Target page revisioning stoped working as it used to on version 4.0.0.
1242272Text filters added to all the columns of the Translation Queue screen.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1240016Source ditamaps are getting deleted when the target already exists.
1242776When sending a livecopy to translation, the created target page has the livecopy info copied from source livecopy page.
1148689Items where the Modification date is more recent than the Activation date should highlight.
1044913If an user forgets to rollout the page, when using blueprint/live copy, the job gets stuck in “preparing”.
1142735We need the connector to remove special : characters before sending for translation.
1238654Page revisioning is removing the original target version.
1238678We need to apply a workaround to handle a false possitive log message wrongly generated by AEM. Please refeer to Adobe’s community forum for more information on the AEM known issue.
1245091User information should be optional within the Translation Job transmitted metadata.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1237949URLs are not updating to point to target local and Local TM.
1238654In Adobe Experience Manager’s Touch-Optimized UI, the revision is displayed without a name.
1226999Translate Asset Metadata not getting translated.
1228424Translation Admin user is not inheriting translation submit user permissions.
Issues preventing creating and sending draft projects.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1187370The job ended with error message "path not found" and the destination page was deleted.
Source page is deleted when source and target are the same on Touch UI.
1185585All subpages of the source homepage are being copied below the target homepage.
1177495Jobs getting stuck due to invalid Content API access token.
1200892When the connector is updated, the GUID changes, and that conflicts with a validation preventing jobs from a different GUID completing.
1202556Issues related to items existing, displaying for jobs that are actually completing succesfully.
1120090The copy source to target function is not converting URL links, or references, to the target language.
1183988Translated DITA Map wrongly referencing Source DITA topics.
1205695While configuring a job, through the Buld Translation screen, the Next button click throws errors, preventing moving forward.To prevent it, we need to pass the CSRF token in the requests header.
1189549DITA Maps/Topics Folder Structure is not matching the same as in source, after DITA content has been being sent out for translation.
1217548Skip URL Conversions for Node Properties is broken in versions 5.0.x.
1219053When the translation platforms are delivering defective files, the connector gets stuck in a cycle of automatically triggering a redelivery over and over. This causes a never ending stream of email alerts reporting the delivery failures.
1221926i18n translation throws errors, and prevents configuring a job, when the option "Get i18n and Children" is selected.
1220454When bracket characters are used as part of the language names, within the language mappings, the connector throws an error and prevents creating a job.
What’s New?
  • Added support for DITA map/topic metadata conditional skip/transalte/copy cases.
  • Added support for DITA attributes/properties conditional skip/translate/copy cases.
  • Added workaround to supress the false positive nonclosed resource resolver error messaage AEM throws, refer to Adobe’s community for AEM bug history.
  • Added validations to prevent jobs that are in translation from being deleted from AEM.
What’s New?
  • Now additional custom search agents can be created to find any kind of content in your site for translation.
  • Now while sending content for translation, the folder jcr:content node will be copied to target language folder.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1168213 When the content fragments are sent for translation with "copy source to target" option selected, the internal link is not converted.
What’s New?
  • Now the connector can be configured to send a stuck job notification when a job progress doesn’t go above 10% for a set number of days.
  • Now the connector supports cleaning up completed jobs automatically, after a configurable number of days.
  • Now the connector shows the username that modified a job instead of the legend “Modified by Claytablet service”.
  • Now alarms fields can be configured on multiple site content paths and multiple email addresses.
  • Ability to expand out the i18n dictionary and select individual entities was added.
  • Now the completed notifications per user, can be configured to alert on a configured set of target languages.
  • Now, when creating a bulk translation job, the job name can be modified by the user, to work with a more meaningful name.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
1122960 When using an internal FTP provider, the file names are not corresponding to the original asset names.
1116425 When exporting settings from the configuration page, the Content API secret is not being encrypted within the ctconfig.xml file.
691017 URL/Link conversion is not escaping characters correctly when using some type of Free Forms.
1101276 Unable to load DAM asset from CSV file in Globalization Tool.
1120090 When using the Translate/Copy source to target only is not converting URL links or references to the target language.
1127545 Source DITA DAM asset it's getting removed automatically when sent for translation.
1125736 Update Remote TM fails due to missing LSP keys, after backing up, migrating and restoring from AEM 6.4 3.4.6 to AEM AMS 4.0.3.
1129542 Dita map - the connector is not sending the content that's linked to the GUIDs.
1137853 Inconsistent behavior with the Queue Scheduler - Sometimes is not picking all the pages.
What’s New?
  • Compatible with Content API V2.
  • The Configuration for Catching Rollout Pages to Queue section in the Advanced Settings page has a new Target Language Filter.
  • In the new Skip Translation For Content Fragment text box in the Prevent URL Conversions section in the Advanced Settings page, you can specify properties to skip when sending Content Fragments to translation.
  • The Connector can be configured to default the send to translation type in the Touch UI.
  • Added TargetCFPreservedProperties logic so you can specify properties to not be overwritten in the target content when sending Content Fragments to translation.
  • The list of Team Profiles in the Profiles dropdown of Bulk Translation are sorted alphabetically.
  • When adding a LSP key you can specify a MAX #Pages Per File for that specific key or to use the global value set in Admin Tools > Configuration.
  • The Connector now supports the importing of the exported XML configuration file(s) through the Connector UI.
  • The option to configure the email notification template is now accessible through the Connector UI.
  • The maximum amount of characters that can be entered in the Notes field is increased to 3,000 characters.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
444802 When launching Update Remote TM from the Touch UI the Submit button is only enabled when there is a translation edit made to the page.
567564 When a user selected multiple logs and clicked on download button, only the ctt.log file was downloaded in the zip file. This issue occurred in the Connector version 4.0 running on AEM 6.4, and 6.5 versions. With this fix, the user can download the multiple selected log files.
576299 Previously, in the Page Property Update Configuration section in the Advanced Settings page, when the Input Type field is entered as Boolean and Save Configuration is pressed, all the input types below it are now changed to Boolean even if they were String. This issue has been resolved.
594534 Previously, in Component Mapping sub nodes were not associated with the parent node resource type by traversing to the parent node and getting the resource type. This issue has been resolved.
702720 Updated the URL conversion logic to function for URLs that contain bookmarks.
799093 Added support for retrieving LSP keys after installing Apache ServiceMix okhttp3 version.
904773 Added support for custom language codes using the dash separator when sending i18n content to translation.
964972 Improved the logic for Excluding Child Nodes from Translation and using TargetPageExcludedNodes so that children nodes of a preserved node do not get overwritten.
1011439 Previously, the content paths displayed in Search From Site Path in Bulk Translation did not respect the Path configured in the team profile(s). This issue has been resolved.
1017357 Previously, when selecting a Source Language in Bulk Translation the available options presented in Target Language did not respect the team profile(s). This issue has been resolved.
1039581 Previously, when translating a tag and selecting Use Local TM but the target tag was deleted the tag was not sent to translation or not copied from the local translation memory. This issue has been resolved.
1065344 Previously, the Connector was displaying different version numbers on different pages. This issue has been resolved.
1067330 Previously, the Connector was marking translated pages as modified by non-existing users by adding suffix "-CTT" to initiator of a translation request. This issue has been resolved.
1069294 Removal of log4j jar from the connector build.
1080152 Previously, when exporting the configuration from the Advanced Settings page the values for Prevent URL Conversions was not included. This issue has been resolved.
1084087 Improved the 'fileReference' logic for TargetPageExcludedProperties so that already localised URL references do not get reverted.
What’s New?
  • When a page is sent for translation and if the Use_CData option is set as true, all the text formats such as rich text, plain text, and HTML formats in the page are wrapped under CData. Previously, only HTML format was supported for CDATA.
  • The new Language Conversion option is added to the Translation Settings page. This option enables the Connector to convert the asset URL references and the content links even if the target folder does not exist.
  • Upgraded the Microsoft SQL server JDBC driver to the latest version. With this upgrade, the Connector supports the Microsoft SQL server 2012 and higher versions. Starting from this release, the Connector no longer supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 versions.
  • The new column Published is added to the Job details tab on the Translation Status page. This column displays the details such as published date, published time, and the user who published the page. For example, it shows as 2020-01-05 11:50AM (admin). For an unpublished page, this column is blank.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
283025 Previously, the Translation Queue page was inaccessible after a user was removed from AEM that had jobs still remaining in the queue.
342971 When a user selected multiple logs and clicked on download button, only the ctt.log file was downloaded in the zip file. This issue occurred in the Connector version 4.0 running on AEM 6.4, and 6.5 versions. With this fix, the user can download the multiple selected log files.
444718 Previously, the Page Property Configuration was not exported when user clicked export button from the Advanced Settings page. This issue has been fixed. The users can now successfully export the Page Property Configuration.
454090 Fixed an invalid JSON formatting issue where "{" was moved to next line when /n was removed.
457201 Previously, the Timewarp menu option was not visible under Edit drop-down menu on the AEM assets page after the Connector package was installed on the AEM 6.4 and 6.5 versions. This issue has been fixed.
448677 When a Live copy page was submitted for translation after breaking the inheritance from its master page, the Live Sync configuration properties were changed. This issue has been fixed.

Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 4.0.3

What’s New?
  • Three new sections have been added to the Advanced Settings page:
  • The new Log JCR Properties During Translation section enables you to configure the Connector to write JCR property values to the log file during translation.
  • The new Configuration for Catching Rollout Pages to Queue section enables you to configure the Connector to catch rollout pages and send them directly to the Translation Queue.
  • The new Page Property Update Configuration section enables you to configure the Connector to copy and translate metadata fields. These fields are displayed in the Page Property Updating tab of the Globalization Tool.
  • In the Globalization Tool, you can now import a list of target languages from an Excel file for a translation job.
  • The Tasks tab of the Backend Tasks page now has Select All and Clear All buttons.
  • When using the Connector with AEM 6.5 on AMS (Adobe Managed Services), the Connector configuration settings are under /conf instead of under /etc.
  • The translation metadata file now includes the job creator ID in the Created By field.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
338409 Previously, the URL was not correctly converted for DAM (Digital Asset Metadata) files when there was additional special asset handler defined for these DAM assets. This issue has been resolved.
340222 Previously, a multi-field Content Fragment was exported as a single line. This issue has been resolved.
346336 Previously, when sending multiple DAM (Digital Asset Metadata) files and pages for translation in a single job, the asset count in the job metadata was incorrect. This prevented the translation system from receiving all the translation files. This issue has been resolved.
349449 Previously, when sending content for translation that included a reference URL to a target in the same translation job that had not yet been translated, the URL was not converted. This issue has been resolved. In this scenario, the URL is now converted correctly.
358194 A SQL error caused duplicate entries in the Translation Queue. This issue has been resolved.
359851 The Connector displayed an error when there was a single quotation mark inside a property name. This issue has been resolved.
394600 In version 4.0.1 of the Connector, the Sidekick menu items were duplicated. This issue has been resolved.
395753 When using the encryption feature, the Key Password field in the Edit Provider dialog box displayed an incorrect encryption key password. This issue has been resolved.
397862 Previously, after updating the page property configuration in the Page Property Updating tab of the Globalization Tool, an error message was displayed when trying to submit the corresponding task. This issue has been resolved.
401460 Previously, when resending a translation job for which the Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy check box had been selected, this check box was cleared by default for the job to resend.

This issue has been resolved: When resending a job for which the Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy check box had been selected, it is now selected by default for the job to resend.

Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 4.0.2

What’s New?
  • The PrepopulateLocalTM.Utility utility was updated to support Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.2 and higher.
  • The new usingCacheService property in the /etc/ctctranslation/debug node in CRXDE Lite enables you to enable and disable the cache service.
  • In the new Skip URL Conversions for Node Properties text box in the Prevent URL Conversions section in the Advanced Settings page, you can specify node properties and paths to skip when converting URLs.
  • In the new Skip Translation with Local TM section of the Advanced Settings page, you can configure which components or property names of components will be ignored by the local TM (translation memory) when users send content for translation with the Use Local TM option. This setting prevents the Connector from using any previous translations of the specified components that are stored in the local TM.
  • The Connector no longer supports versions 6.0 and 6.1 of Adobe Experience Manager.
  • The Disable default language mapping (6.1+) option in the UI and Default Settings section of the Configuration page has been renamed to Disable default language mapping, because it is now relevant for all supported versions of Adobe Experience Manager.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
258722 When using the Connector with AEM 6.4 or 6.5, the Update, Delete, and Close buttons in the LSP & Keys page were not displayed properly. The introduction of the new New Provider and Edit Provider dialog boxes have resolved these issue.
258723 Previously, in JSON-structured content, some Unicode characters that were escaped in the translation XML file were displayed in the translated content. This issue has been resolved.
258724 Previously, custom languages and codes were not displayed in the Language Mapping page. This issue has been resolved.
258725 In version 4.0.0 of the Connector, after clicking Delete for a license key in the LSP and License Keys section of the LSP & Keys page, the license key was not immediately released by the Clay Tablet Platform, and it was not available for re-installation. This issue has been resolved. Clicking Delete for a license key now immediately causes the Clay Tablet Platform to release it and make it available for re-installation.
258727 Previously, when some encoded content was translated to Chinese, question marks ( ? ) were returned in the translated content. This issue has been resolved. All translated content is now encoded to Base64 before it is saved to the Connector database, which prevents this situation from recurring.
258728 Previously, when the Connector imported a .CSV file to the Component Mapping page, it did not recognize that the first row was a header and not actual data, so it imported all fields as data. This issue has been resolved. The Connector now recognizes both ComponentPath and PropertyName as headers. For more information about supported elements of an imported .CSV file, refer to the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation Configuration Guide.
258729 Version 4.0.0 of the Connector did not support sending out content for translation from version 6.5 of the Adobe Experience Manager Sidekick, and an error message was displayed. This issue has been resolved.
258731 Version 4.0.0 of the Connector required connecting to the new Clay Tablet license server, which did not support the preemptive authentication required by some proxy servers. This issue has been resolved. The new Clay Tablet license server now supports preemptive authentication.
258733 After version 4.0.0 of the Connector was installed on Adobe Experience Manager version 6.5, adaptive-form fragments were not editable in the Touch UI, and error messages were displayed. This issue has been resolved.
258734 In version 4.0.0 of the Connector, if JCR properties were specified in the Metadata Configuration section of the Advanced Settings page, then the metadata was not translated, and it was overwritten by the source content.

This occurred whether or not the Translate Metadata check box was selected or cleared in the Translation Default Settings sub-section of the UI and Default Settings section in the Configuration page. These issues have been resolved.
276509 Previously, in the Component Mapping page, selecting components and clicking Collect did not collect the selected components and display them in the Collected Possible Property Fields for Translation list. This issue has been resolved.
283028 Previously, the following scenario occurred when using the Lionbridge Translation Connector for Lionbridge Freeway:

You specified analysis codes in Lionbridge Freeway.
You renamed the analysis codes from their default names in Lionbridge Freeway.
* In the Translation Platform section, Freeway Config sub-section of the Configuration page of the Connector, you ​selected only the Require Value 1 check box.

In the LSP page of the Bulk Translation wizard, if Lionbridge Freeway was selected in the Choose LSP box, in the Analysis Code section, the Connector selected the first analysis code in alphabetical order instead of selecting the analysis code originally named Analysis Codes 1. This issue has been resolved

Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 4.0.1

What’s New?
  • The Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager has been renamed and rebranded as the Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager. Some elements of the Connector have been renamed, for example:
  • In the Touch-Optimized UI of Adobe Experience Manager version 6.2 or higher, in the Adobe Experience Manager rail, after clicking the Tools icon , you now click Lionbridge Connector to open the Connector. Previously, you clicked Clay Tablet Connector to open the Connector.
  • In the Touch-Optimized UI of Adobe Experience Manager version 6.0 or 6.1, in the Adobe Experience Manager rail, you now click Tools > Lionbridge Connector to open the Connector. Previously, you clicked Tools > Clay Tablet Connector to open the Connector.
  • In the Classic UI of Adobe Experience Manager, you now scroll down and click Lionbridge Connector in the right pane to open the Connector. Previously, you scrolled down and clicked Clay Tablet Connector in the right pane to open the Connector.
  • In the Globalization Tool, the Run CQ Workflows tab has been renamed to Run Workflows.
  • In the Language Mapping page, the CTC Language column header has been renamed to Connector Language.
  • In the Translation Settings section of the Configuration page, the Send CT translation events option has been renamed to Send Connector translation events.
  • There is a new license server.
  • You must migrate the license keys for your translation providers to the new license server by clicking the Migrate button in the LSP & Keys page. You can migrate translation providers that are currently processing translation jobs.
  • Adding a new translation provider in the LSP & Keys page is now easier.

Note: You cannot use lspkeys.xml to import license-key settings from previous versions of the Connector to the current version, because the new license server uses a different license-key format.

  • The following user interface items were renamed as follows:
  • In the Server URL section of the Configuration page, the Adobe AEM Base URL field was renamed to Server Base URL.
  • In the Mail Server Settings section of the Configuration page, the Use AEM Mail Service check box was renamed to Use Experience Manager Mail Service.
  • In the UI and Default Settings section of the Configuration page, the Disable default AEM language mapping (6.1+) check box was renamed to Disable default language mapping (6.1+).
  • In the Queue Scheduler page:
  • In the Item Type section, the AEM TIF Assets check box was renamed to TIF Assets.
  • In the Submission Type section, the AEM TIF check box was renamed to TIF.
  • In the Translation Queue, in the From dropdown list, the AEM TIF submission type was renamed to TIF.
  • In the Tools console, the AEM Reports folder was renamed to Reports.
  • In the Profiles section of the Team Profiles page:
  • The AEM Users list was renamed to Adobe Experience Manager Users.
  • The AEM Groups list was renamed to Adobe Experience Manager Groups.
  • In the Status tab of the Translation Status page:
  • You can now view error messages from the translation provider (LSP) about displayed content items. Previously these messages were written to the log file only.
  • You can now export summary information about translation jobs from this tab using the new Export button in the top-right corner of the tab.
  • When resending a previously sent job for translation by clicking the Re-Send icon , you can now modify the content items, source and target languages, translation provider, translation options, and job options. If you are using the Clay Tablet Translation Connector for SDL TMS, you can also now specify a TMS configuration for the job to resend.
  • You can now view if a job was completed by a redelivery. If a job was redelivered, then the number of times it was delivered is displayed in the Completed column, in brackets, following the number of pages.
  • In the Globalization Tool:
  • In the Select Pages section, after clicking the Load pages button, you can now select files from a job that someone in your team profile previously sent out for translation.
  • You can now use the Re-Count button to update the numbers of pages and highlighted pages and digital assets. Previously, this functionality was supported only for updating the numbers of pages and selected pages.
  • You can now view the number of highlighted pages and digital assets. Previously, you could view only the number of total and selected pages and digital assets.
  • In the Activation tab, you can now delete multiple pages and the corresponding translated pages.
  • In the new DAM Metadata Update tab, you can now update the metadata of digital assets (DAM) with values that you specify. You configure this feature in the new DAM Metadata Configuration section of the Advanced Settings page. You can also view and update the priority of this task in the Backend Tasks page.
  • In the Advanced Settings page, the Metadata Configuration section has been renamed to Page Metadata Configuration.
  • The On-Premise Platform configuration options have been removed from the Translation Platform section of the Configuration page because this feature is no longer supported. The License ID field is still in this section. The Freeway configuration options are in the new Freeway Config section of the Configuration page.
  • The .tmx file that the Connector sends while updating a remote TM (translation memory) now contains additional information to correctly identify which TM to update:
  • The header note defines the name of the translation job.
  • The TU note defines the page path and the property name.

It also contains any comments about the translation corrections.

  • You can now see if a job or content items in the job were completed by a redelivery:
  • In the Status tab of the Translation Status page, if a job was redelivered, then the number of times it was delivered is displayed, in the Completed column, in brackets, following the number of pages.
  • In the Details tab of the Translation Status page, if a content item was redelivered, then the number of times it was delivered is displayed, in the Status column, following Completed, in brackets.
  • You can now configure the Connector to submit for translation Content Fragments that are referenced in pages, Experience Fragments, and adaptive forms by selecting the Translate Dependent CF check box in the Translation Settings section of the Configuration page.
  • In the Bulk Translation wizard:
  • If you are a member of multiple teams, then in the Profile dropdown list, you can select the team profile to use with the wizard. This displays the source and target languages and translation providers specified for the team profile.
  • In the Settings page, the Update only radio buttons have been renamed to Copy source to target only. This is a more accurate of the functionality: The Connector copies the source content to the target content item without sending it out for translation. This is useful when there is content that you do not want to translate, but that you want to include in the target version. Previously this functionality was described incorrect in the user guide.
  • To improve clarity, the following settings were renamed in the Translation Default Settings sub-section of the UI and Default Settings section of the Configuration page and in all user interfaces for submitting content for translation:
  • Translate Fields was renamed to Translate page content.
  • Target pages have content in source language was renamed to Select if using Blueprint/Live-copy.
  • The Connector now monitors /ctc/ctctranslation, and it now automatically reloads the Connector configuration if required. This is useful if you are restoring a package from another Connector environment. Previously, to trigger the Connector configuration to reload, you had to either manually load the Connector configuration user interface or restart the Connector bundle.
  • You can use the new Exceptions text field to specify which file-type extensions or asset paths to exclude from the Translate Asset Binary setting in the UI and Default Settings section of the Configuration page.
  • While updating a remote translation memory (TM) for a single page, you can now add a comment for your translator about why you are updating the translation of that page. This feature is available both from the Touch-Optimized UI and the Sidekick.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
AEM-732 In previous versions of the Connector, some SQL errors occurred because database tables did not include primary keys. This issue has been resolved. All database tables now include primary keys.
AEM-996 In version 3.2.1 of the Connector, if the database server was offline when the Connector was receiving a translated job, then when the database connection was restored, the Connector did not automatically continue receiving the job. This occurred because the Connector deleted the translation from the AWS S3 bucket when it could not find the related translation job in the database. When the database connection was restored and the Connector tried to receive the job again, it could not find the translation in AWS S3.

This issue has been resolved. In the previous scenario, if the database server is offline when a job is submitted for translation, the Connector does not delete the translation from AWS S3. When the database connection is restored, the Connector automatically continues receiving the job because it can locate the translation in AWS S3.
AEM-1008 In versions 3.3.x of the Connector, the Est. Words column in the Job Details tab of the Translation Status page and the Words column in the Translation Queue displayed 0 (zero) as the word count for digital assets. This was misleading. These columns now displays n/a for digital assets.
AEM-1139 Previously, the list of content items in the Translation Queue had the following usability issues:

Only a few items were displayed at one time.
The list was too wide, so that scrolling was required to see all columns.

These issues have been resolved:

The list now displays eight content items without requiring scrolling.
The list is less wide, and you can resize the columns so that they are all displayed without requiring scrolling.
The user interface below the list has been organized into the following three tabs:
Translation Job: This tab has the required fields and buttons for sending out a job for translation.
Reference Files: This tab enables you to attach reference files to your translation job.
Overwrite options: This tab enables you to overwrite translation settings that were specified when the items were originally submitted to the Translation Queue.
AEM-1153 Previously, if there were too many items in the Translation Queue, and too many scheduled jobs for sending out content from the Translation Queue were triggered simultaneously, then some of those jobs were not executed on schedule. Those jobs were executed at the next scheduled time. This issue has been resolved. All jobs are now executed on schedule.
AEM-1157 In previous versions of the Connector, when using the CTCRolloutTranslation workflow in your custom rollout configuration, the Connector set the cq:lastRolledOutBy property to admin instead of to the user who initiated the workflow. This issue has been resolved. The Connector now sets the cq:lastRolledOutBy property to the user who initiated the workflow.
AEM-1172 In versions 3.4 and higher of the Connector, when navigating from the Search from Site Path field in the Item type page of the Bulk Translation wizard, then if a folder had a child folder with a special character in the name, selecting that folder displayed an error message and the icon of the folder changed to a white square. This issue has been resolved. You can now navigate properly in a structure containing folders with special characters in the name.

Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 4.0.0

What’s New?

If either or both of the Language Conversion (URL Reference) and Language Conversion (Content Link) options are configured in the Translation Settings section of the Configuration page, you can now specify the following types of overrides to these configurations:

  • You can specify a file-type override so that the Connector does not convert URL references or content links to a specific file type, for example, .JPG or .GIF files.
  • You can specify a particular filename so that the Connector does not convert URL references or content links to that file. For example, if you specify filename1.jpg, then the Connector does not convert URL references or content links to that file.

You can specify these overrides in the new Prevent URL Conversions section of the Advanced Settings page.

Issue Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
AEM-1145 The On-Premise Platform configuration options, which were removed from version 3.4.5 of the Connector, have been returned to the Translation Platform section of the Configuration page because this feature is now supported again.

The Licenseconfiguration option has returned to the Public Platform sub-section of this section.
The Lionbridge Freeway configuration options remain in the new Freeway Config section of the Configuration page.

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.4.6

What’s New?
  • You can now update a remote translation memory (TM) from the Touch Optimized UI of Adobe Experience Manager.
  • You can now add a string to a property name to instruct the Connector either to send that property for translation or to avoid sending that property for translation. This string can be at the beginning, middle, or end of the property name. To configure this feature, in the Component Mapping page, click Property Patterns.
  • You can now configure the Translation Quote feature for each translation provider (LSP). The check box for this feature is now displayed only when it is supported for the selected translation provider (LSP).
  • The Connector now supports the PostgreSQL database.
  • The On-Premise Platform configuration options have been removed from the Translation Platform section of the Configuration page because this feature is no longer supported. The remaining configuration options from this section are now in the new License and Freeway Config sections of the Configuration page.
  • You can now add page properties to pages to prevent the Connector from sending them for translation. You configure this feature in the new Prevent Translation of Pages section of the Advanced Settings page.
  • There are new options when copying the source content to the target content without sending it out for translation: 
  • The new TargetPageExcludedNodes property in the /etc/ctctranslation/PageOptions node in CRXDE Lite enables you to delete child nodes after copying from the source to the target.
  • The new TargetPagePreservedNodes property in the /etc/ctctranslation/PageOptions node in CRXDE Lite enables you to exclude child nodes when copying from the source to the target.
  • In a non-cluster scenario where multiple Adobe Experience Manager servers connect to the Clay Tablet database, the Connector now prevents jobs from being processed by the wrong server.
  • The Connector now supports sending AEM Content Fragments and Experience Fragments for translation.
  • The Connector now supports sending AEM adaptive forms for translation.
Issues Fixed in This Release
Issue ID Description
AEM-1022 Previously, when the Add-In for Lionbridge Freeway was installed, after entering valid credentials for the connection to Freeway in the Freeway Config sub-section of the Translation Platform section of the Configuration page, and then clicking Test, an error message was displayed. This issue has been resolved. Entering valid Freeway credentials and clicking Test now displays a message indicating that the test was successful.

Notes: The Freeway Server field has been removed, and the new Freeway Auth URL and Freeway Service URL fields have been added. The Translation Platform section of the Configuration page has been removed. The Freeway Config sub-section is now a section of the Configuration page.
AEM-1110 When upgrading to version 3.3.3, 3.3.4, or 3.4.0 of the Connector, some values in the following settings in CRXDE Lite were overwritten during the installation process:

* /etc/ctctranslation/ctcconfig_ContentTypes

This issue has been resolved. These settings are no longer overwritten when upgrading a Connector installation.
AEM-1122 Previously, an invalid XML character in the PropertyName attribute of i18n tags caused the Connector to display a message about an XML parsing error. This issue has been resolved: since the PropertyName attribute of an i18n tag does not require translation, the Connector now encrypts it, which prevents it from causing an error.
AEM-1125 Previously, when using the Connector's In-Context Preview feature, currently in alpha testing, with Adobe Experience Manager version 6.3, the Adobe Experience Manager Sidekick was displayed in the preview window. This issue has been resolved. The Preview window no longer displays the Sidekick.
AEM-1126 Previously, by default the following properties were copied over from the source content to the target content:


This issue has been resolved. These properties are now included by default in the TargetPageExcludedProperties property in the etc/ctctranslation/PageOptions node in CRXDE Lite, so that the Connector excludes them from being sent for translation.
AEM-1127 Previously, the Connector did not send out content for translation to a language node that did not already exist. For example, the Connector did not send out content from /content/www/en/cat1/products for translation into French because /content/www/fr did not exist. This issue has been resolved. If the node for the target language is missing, the Connector creates it before sending out the content for translation.
AEM-1131 When using version 3.4.0 of the Connector, if the Catch rollout pages to [Rollout] Queue check box was selected in the Translation Settings section of the Configuration page, the Connector displayed incorrect language names when there were multiple groups of language mappings. This issue has been resolved.
AEM-1133 In version 3.2.1 of the Connector, users in a non-admin team profile could not access the Translation Status page, and an error message was displayed. This issue has been resolved.

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.4.5

What’s New?
  • The Connector now supports version 6.4 of Adobe Experience Manager.
  • If page paths are configured for a team profile, then only pages in those paths are available for selection when a team member selects pages to send out for translation.
  • You can now configure the Connector to include or exclude a submitter’s username and email address when submitting a job for translation. You configure this setting with the Submit user name and email as job metadata check box in the Translation Settings section of the Configuration page. By default, this metadata is excluded from the submitted job. This feature supports the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation.

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of the Connector, this is a change in the default behavior of the Connector, because previously, this metadata was always included in submitted jobs. If your translation provider relies on this job metadata, notify them of this change.

Recommendation: In the scenario above, enable this option to continue sending this job metadata to your translation provider.

  • You can now select the Allow Reference Files for Translation Job check box in the UI and Default Settings section of the Configuration page to determine whether the Reference Files feature is available in the Translation Queue, Bulk Translation Wizard, Globalization Tool, and the Sidekick wizard. Previously, displaying this user control was determined by the ShowReferenceFilesDialog option in CRXDE Lite.

Note: This feature is backward compatible, so that if you previously configured it in CRXDE Lite, you do not need to reconfigure it in the Configuration page.

  • The Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide now includes instructions for configuring the Connector to wrap content for translation in CData tags.
  • The Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Installation and Configuration Guide now includes a subsection in the “Configuring the Connector” chapter listing all available Connector configuration options in CRXDE Lite.

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.4.0

Earlier versions of the release notes are available only as PDFs

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.3.4

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.3.3

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.3.2

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.3.1

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.3.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.2.1

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.2.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.1.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 3.0.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.6.2

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.6.1

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.6.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.5.3

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.5.2

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.5.1

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.5.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.8

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.7

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.6

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.5

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.4

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.3

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.2

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.1

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.4.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.9

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.8

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.7

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.6

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.3

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.2

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.1

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.3.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.2.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.1.2

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.1.2 AEM 6.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.1.1

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.1.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver. 2.1.0 AEM 6.0

Clay Tablet Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Release Notes ver.