
Freeway The name of the Lionbridge translation portal for submitting content to and retrieving content from the Lionbridge translation provider.
FTP Server File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. Translation providers may receive and send files for translation using an FTP server.
Lionbridge The publisher of the Freeway translation portal and a translation provider. Users connect to the Freeway translation portal to submit content to and retrieve content from the Lionbridge translation provider.
Lionbridge Connector for Adobe Experience Manager Translation Integration Framework (“Connector”) The connector software that Lionbridge has developed and provides, which plugs into your Adobe Experience Manager Translation Integration Framework instance to provide connectivity to the Lionbridge translation services. In this document it is referred to as the Connector. This is the software you are configuring as you work through this document.
MT Machine translation. The translation provider can be a machine translation service, such as Google Translate.
Producer Content system that sends content or documents out for translation. In this case, this is Adobe Experience Manager Translation Integration Framework.
Provider A provider of translation services. The delivery of assets to the provider may be via an FTP server or a TMS connector.
TMS Translation management system that the translation provider users.