Creating the Connector Folders

Note: This section is not applicable to the AEM Cloud Connector.

This section describes how to create a data folder that the AEM On-Premise Connector uses to store licensing information and translation data. This step is optional. The Connector uses the sub-folders to store data for translation updates and shared configuration files. It may also store log files.

  1. On your Adobe Experience Manager server, navigate to the file system and create a folder called CTCdata.

  2. Unzip the archive folder from the delivery package you downloaded and unzipped, as described in Downloading the Delivery Package, and extract all the included folders into the target CTCdata folder. This creates the following two subfolders in the CTCdata folder:

Sub-Folder Folder Access Permissions Description
update Full This folder will contain manually updated translated files.
Note: Use this feature only if translation providers have edited XML files that were already returned into Adobe Experience Manager, or if a file was not successfully inserted back into Adobe Experience Manager.
logs Full This folder may be used by the Connector to store Connector log files, if you select the Logs check box in the Folder and Permissions section of the Configuration page. For details, see Folder and Permissions.
  1. Set the access permission for each folder according to the above table.